Monday, August 27, 2007

Days 10 & 11 ------ Cravings Subsided!

Thank goodness, these past two days I haven't had the desire to quit the detox, though I haven't lost any more weight. Hopefully those two days when I wanted to gobble up everything in sight will be the worst for me. Today marked my halfway point and I really feel like I will be able to complete the program.

I notice that I haven't had the "healing crisis," just the one tired day. I attribute that to my good health as well as a basically healthy diet and no caffeine before the detox.

I have skipped the walk the last two days, but I have been so busy with baking banana bread (7 more loaves) and cleaning up around the house, that I am going to consider that as exercise. My sister and I are planning to go to the gym again tomorrow night.

Tomorrow it is back to class, hopefully I can throw a few more pots, last Thursday I only threw two vases. I'm wanting to make some more cups and bowls this week. I also need to find a subject for my upcoming painting. I love art.


chickycola said...

You are doing terrific! I'm so proud of you for making it through the tough times. Family support is so important during this process. I would have never made it without mine!
Congrat on your half way point. I remember being so excited at this point during my detox!

Day 21 is just around the corner!


Anonymous said...

your blog cracks me up. "I'm married to a workaholic redneck."
Please email me
my blogs

this first is my artwork.
started my diet today.

Anonymous said...

catsanddogsHang in there.. you will do fine.. there are lag days where the lull seems to be the loudest thing in our heads!!!


Anonymous said...

sorry bout the catsanddogs thing I was writing something else as well and the puter hiccuped.. LOL..

have a great weekend!!!

SweetRedWine said...

Thanks you guys! You're great!