Friday, August 17, 2007


All right, I've almost made it through day #1. I kept track of everything today so I could blog it tonight.

I weighed in this morning at 150.5 & I haven't measured up yet, but I will.

The first 2 drinks aren't too bad or too good either. I've been blending them, adding raspberry tea ice cubes & a packet of stevia. I've been drinking them through a straw, seems quicker to get them down. The Berry Splash is better than the Essential Greens (very berry flavor).

My home version of a colonic (a water enema with lemon as per the book) was okay... I took the opportunity while everyone was gone this morning, put my little dog in her pen, tuned the radio to Spa 73 and set up in the bathroom. It took me about 45 minutes start to finish. I couldn't hold all the water the way she describes in the book. I had to get up 3 times to go, then go back to "refill."

I've been pretty busy (cleaning carpets) so I didn't think about food much all morning. I must have peed 4 times an hour. By noon, I was hungry, so I was glad the VegeSplash was coming up, but it tasted horrible. I added stevia, but only got through 1/2 of it. By 2pm, I was really hungry and kept eyeballing the bananas on the table. But Vegesplash was on the schedule again, so I made some blueberry tea with stevia and put it in the freezer to mix the VegeSplash with. It didn't help much, it was still pretty horrible. I tried to get it down, but could only sip it here and there. To ignore my hunger I made a few phone calls and began prepping my soup in the crock pot. It smelled pretty good and I decided to scoop some out to cook quickly on the stove so I could get some "free" soup broth. I'm thinking tomorrow I may trying making the VegeSplash with the "free" soup. So when the soup was done, I separated it and pureed the vegetables. It didn't taste too good. I was hungry, so I spent some time nursing the 3 options I had: the soup, the broth & the VegeSplash. I don't know which tasted best or worst. I just kept switching between the 3 different textures although similar flavors. I got through about 1/2 of the VegeSplash again. I decided to go ahead and start a different soup to try for dinner, Roasted Garlic Cauliflower. I told myself I'm not breaking this diet! I can do this!

So by this time I have lost interest in cleaning the carpets and having thoroughly enjoyed my 3 o'clock raspberry iced tea, I am ready to lay down for a short nap, trying to get through to the next hour when I have another drink mix. No such luck on the nap, about the time I go to sleep, my old man calls and I go run a short errand for him, but it's 4 o'clock when I get back and time for my next drink. Essential Greens is on the schedule but I decide I deserve the tastier BerrySplash after the yucky VegeSplash afternoon. I decide that it is tasty, but I see that it turns my teeth and lips VERY purple, more so than my wine ever did. So that's something I have to watch out for.

My garlic cauliflower puree wasn't as bad as it smelled, but I'm saving it for tomorrow and eating my spinach tomato that I made in the crockpot for dinner tonight. It wasn't too good but I managed to eat most of it and 1/2 the broth. I have another serving to put in the fridge, but I'm not sure if I will want it again. I left dinner thinking that if I could eat that then surely I can chug the VegeSplash tomorrow.

So, I'm finished with eating for the day, as I sit here my belly is growling, but I'm filling it with raspberry iced tea and water. I still have a shot of aloe vera juice to drink for the night and maybe some hot tea before bed. I'm leaving now to go for a walk with my sister and tell her about my day. I'm ready to go to bed and start day #2 tomorrow. I hear my husband downstairs cleaning the carpets. How nice, but I know he worked all day so I feel a little guilty.

I'm totally going to do this for 21 days!

20 days to go!


Sonya M. said...

Keep it up Red! Its gets better!

Also an imporant trick to making the soups -- juice your veggies -- then boil the pulp in water & add the juice back in when you are ready to eat it. TRUST ME -- tastes so much better.

Also experiment with fresh cilantro, basil, thyme, roasemary, etc -- adds a lot to your soups/juices.

SweetRedWine said...

Thanks for the help and encouragement.

I really appreciate it.