Saturday, September 1, 2007

(Day 16) ---- Sorry I'm Behind...

I feel bad for not getting around to blogging the past few days. I've just been really busy. I've taken notes so promise to catch up tonight.

I have a big day today. I'm going to go get myself a potter's wheel that a lady from classes sold me for $35! Then I have to run to the GNC to get more drink mix and the protein shakes. I may or may not take my daughter to the state fair.

I did update my Weight Tracker though. 14 1/2 pounds in 15 days!


Becky said...

I just found out about this book/program today and have been reading the blogs. I can't wait to hear more from you! I am very impressed. I get nervous thinking about the cost, will power, having to cook for husband & 3 boys during that time. I'm thinking about it but want to read more. I need to lose weight and get my energy back!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your blog again this morning! You are an inspiration to a bunch of us newbies so keep writing! Dana :)

Anonymous said...

I greatly enjoy reading about your journey.. Thank you for sharing it..smiles. here is my blog.. much of ninsensicalness but your welcome to read it..

SweetRedWine said...

Thanks gals. It's nice to feel appreciated.

SweetRedWine said...

You're cost may not be as high as mine. I didn't use the Vegesplash ($28), I needed a cooler & thermos for going to school ($20), I started drinking the tea with distilled water & stevia a week early (maybe $8), I bought to many fresh vegetables so I could find soups that I liked (around $20), I never used the dry spices ($8). So that’s about $85 I shouldn’t have spent. I’m hoping my sister will do this diet so I can get her to share some of the cost of things I still have leftover, like the organic coffee, peppermint oil, marshmallow tea, & goldenrod tincture. Save us both a little money. She can just borrow my juicer & book.