Wednesday, August 6, 2008

One Year Later . . . A Retrospective

Here it is . . . nearly a year later and I have been feeling this nagging need to come back to this blog and post how I feel about the 21 Pounds in 21 Days Diet Detox.

For the most part I have decided that this diet was a total waste. It cost me a lot of money, I went without food for a long time and I didn't really get anything out of it.

I gained back my 15 pounds plus another 10 pretty much as soon as I got off this diet, within a month. And it's not like I went crazy with calories either. Turns out that consuming as few calories as required for this diet for that long totally ruined my metabolism. For the first few months after the 21/21 diet I found that I gained weight so easily that it was impossible to keep the pounds off.

Here I am, nearly a year later and my metabolism is still not normal. I am up to around 170 pounds these days. So, as you can see, a year later and I weigh 20 pounds more than when I started this diet. If I eat more than 1600 calories a day I gain weight immediately, it shows on the scale the next morning. I am absolutely aggravated by this considering that most reasonable diets call for eating 1600 calories a day to lose weight at a normal pace.

I just wanted to give an update, felt like it was my duty as a blogger. Sorry the news was so sad.

1 comment:

OHSandi said...

I am just starting (today was day 5) and I know I have a long way to go, but I'm looking at it this way: not as an actual diet, though I want to lose weight - it's a detox. PLUS a segway into a lifestyle change. Clean out the poisons, toxins, parasites, etc., then I want to stop eating processed foods, period. I am convinced they are poison! If you still have your juicer & might want to try again, I'll be a support buddy!